My appreciation for the shop started from the outside with the petina metal roof and siding and the Raleigh 3 speed Sturmey Archer leaning against the wall (just like Harry's). As you walk through the threshold, the first thing that you see are all of the vintage Mountain Bikes on the top rack. It was a variety pack collection of Ritchey, Otis Guy, Cunningham, Salsa, Bridgestone, Merlin, to name a few. When I asked him what the story was with all the vintage rides, he simply said, "those are all my bikes". AHTBM's Stevil told me that bikes are like friends and you can't have enough good ones!.
He had Point Reyes version of KPIG rocking in the background as he was gluing some Griffos to a pair of Velocity rims. As it turns out Mike has his own radio show on Thursday nights at KWMR (you can stream it).
He was very patient with me with all of my nerdy questions and trivia. As it turns out we both know the Klasna brothers from way back. Mike worked as a designer for Haro Bikes for 15 years before opening his shop. He offers Black Mountain Cycles Road and Cross frames for a very affordable price. I was eyeing the long reach road version (tangerine orange!).
click to view:
Black Mountain Cycles

Really great to meet you guys. Glad you had a good time up in this neck of the woods. And mil gracias for the cap. It's already well sweated through.