Maybe a new Post Section for Steel Wül - Favorite Climbs. Damn, there are so many great climbs in this county and beyond, assuming you're a mountain goat. That being said, you pretty much have to love to climb if you want to appreciate the breadth of cycling in our area.
One of my favorite is Zayante Road. Why? Because it seems like the the most "unridden" great climb around here. Every time I ride it, I most appreciate the feeling of solitude. I ask, "why is this road here." It really has no place for functionality as a commute route, etc. It's just, there. It has it all - gradual approach, a bite in the lower section, a break in the middle to recover, a next bite and the steady drag to the top. And, plenty long to contemplate why we do this s@!t. Once at the top, one has so many options to add to their route that day. And yes, the solitude. The only company you may have is a few abandoned cars down low. NO TRAFFIC AT ALL - EVER!
My ride today:
From my house on Branciforte, up Granite Creek, onto Glenwood, onto Bean Creek, across Mt. Hermon, sneak approach to Zayante, divert onto West Zayante, back onto Zayante proper, the Zayante climb, down Bear Creek to Lexington, around the resevoir on Alma Bridge, took on Soda Springs, onto Old Santa Cruz, up lower Mt. Charlie, across Summit junction @ 17, onto Mt. Charlie descent, back to Glenwood, back down Granite Creek to home. Solid 3 hour stay skinny ride. Voile! And a little post stout ride protein nourishment tip - the Bacon Burger patties from El Salchichero - downed two of em' easy- sort of. Happy pedaling my friends.
- Apple
sign me up! and i will take 2 burgers.