It looks like I'm not the only one sneaking in some Emergency Training! I am very familiar with that signage and either way you cut the mustard regarding the route, it is "Brutal with Cheese" to quote Sir Mike Moore.
When you get to this sign you can either go straight and hope the gift shop is open at the Pinnacles for a root-beer and a snickers or you climb up and over La Gloria and get the best Tacos east of the Pajaro.
We sent this pic to our Steel WÜL Laboratory (Fitz's House) for authentication and it came back approved. He said that the skewer placement and thermal imaging radiating from the drive train indicated that this particular bicycle was in fact pedaled to its location not driven. Fitz explained that had it been driven, the bar tape would not have emitted as much heat as it did. Although the saddle came back without a heat signature and Fitz simply chalked that up to expensive chamois cream with a proprietary "cooling action".
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