Doug E. Fresh (never rock Fila always rock Addidas)

Nickname: Doug E. Fresh
Full name: Douglas Newell Duren
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 180 (he offered to get on the scale)
Occupation: Painter
Years riding: 33
Favorite Rider: VDB
Marital Status: Happily married with first child en route (14 days give of take)
Bikes: Seven, Hunter cross, Blur LTC, Bontrager race (for sale-$500 bucks takes it), 1956 Schwinn - gift from Jeff Hoover.
SWCC - You have been on the group ride for as long as I can remember, what or who got you into road riding?
DF- Terry Snyder in late 1989 or 1990. I think I went on some very long rides with her when she was training for her Ironman. I used to ride with Eric Martenen and Mike Bennett as well. Then I started doing the Saturday ride in 1991 after living next to Eddy Price.
SWCC- Talk to me about your nickname, was it issued to you after a group ride by the one and only Rondo Amon?
DF- laughs,......I think Terry Snyder gave me that because of Big Doug (Seletsky) and I was new or little Doug hence Fresh. Its origin is of course from the rap artist. The #1 rule with nicknames is you can under no circumstance issue one to yourself. Some people on the ride have over 16 nicknames and there is a rumor that the Club Shed Guys have a list of over 1,000 nicknames for Santa Cruz Cyclists. I feel young still with my nickname so that a good thing. Once you have a nickname, it is for life such as underwear-man (who actually chamoised up with underwear on the group ride). I think Monty issued that one to him. Then Monty made the mistake of dropping Brian Picket while pedaling in Teva sandals and will forever be known as Monteva.
SWCC- You seem to always have your finger on the pulse of whats going on with Santa Cruz cyclists. What is your technique?
DF- My technique,......well........unlimited cell plan, no acualy I have to give props to the Club Shed guys - Ron Amon, Whilhelm, Ed Price, and the boys. These guys spend way too much time analyzing the competition. And I have to give a shout out to the shop owners - Wade, Berry, JB and its mainly small town stuff.
SWCC- I know you have pedaled up and down the state. Is there one ride that stands out as your all time best boogie?
DF- Without a doubt the 911 ride (Santa Cruz to Long Beach in 3 days). We had no map and in the end it was just me and Ted 500 miles later. We watched the towers fall in the morning and then road all day long.
SWCC- Your bike handling skills are legendary. What is the largest thing that you have flicked with your front wheel?
DF- To the chagrins on Wilhelm, that would be a 10lbs boulder into your front wheel. I ended up taking it in to the almighty Gurnmaster for some love.
SWCC - Describe the best post ride meal.
DF- Oh, there are to many to choose from. I would go with hamburgers with a couple of brewskies and cookies and milk for dessert. Anything from Mrs. Fields cookbook would work.
SWCC - Your known for your affinity towards pastries, what have you been hitting lately?
DF- laughing,....the wife is going to bust me but here you go. Anything from Emily's, Aldos, and the Buttery. Anything and everything actually. I like croissants, cookies, bear claws, chocolate croissants, anything with raisins, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon buns, morning buns, anything with apricots, donuts, macaroons, apple fritters, chocolate old fashioned, maple bars, chocolate sprinkles, glazed old fashion, cinnamon twists, and chocolate bars. I know every doughnut shop from here to Watsonville.
SWCC- The best bikes are....
DF- The ones that fit you!
SWCC- Carbon should be used for......
DF - stems, posts, handlebars, forks, and road wheels once road disks are mastered.
SWCC - I understand that on days with questionable weather you are the guy to call to find out what cycling ensemble to use. What is your secret?
DF- I hate being cold and I was a boyscout. I am a firm believer in the Damon Kluck school of riding knee warmers - NEVER! And leg warmers can be flared unless riding with Lance.
SWCC - Tell us something we don't know about you.
DF- I made my living as a baker for 4 years at the old Farm bakery in Soquel. I would still bake daily, but my wife won't let me (I could hear her laughing from the other room). She and I will eat it all so we have to be careful.
As I left his house he mentioned something about riding bikes is a way of life for him and that sometimes his wife points out that he is off the bike for weeks and he said that he is never off the bike because he has the ability to "ride in his mind". I am thinking that an additional nickname is in order here 'Dougie Blaine'.

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