A little diversion from the pedaling pursuit to congratulate our Giants heroes on taking it won step closer to winning the big show. YEAHHHHHHH! Bumgardner - The Young Silencer.
First person to email me a photo of themselves in front of the NYUK
NYUK Ranch will win a custom Steel Wul mussete bag.
SWCC: How long have you been a member of the Steel Wul Cycle Club?
Olivia: " Um, 3 years."
SWCC: What is your favorite thing about being a member?
Olivia: " It's fun."
SWCC: Do you have any pets?
Olivia: " 2 rabbits, one is very soft and nice. The other one is scratchy and mean. I also have 1 cat. He's very nice and likes to sleep on me. I have 3 chickens and one thinks she is a rooster. The other 2 are very nice."
SWCC: What school do you attend?
Olivia: " Tierra Pacifica Charter School."
SWCC: What do you like about your school?
Olivia: " I like that my best friend goes there and it is near my house."
SWCC: What is your favorite book?
Olivia: " Can I tell you what Voli's ( her stuffed animal opossum) favorite book is?"
SWCC: Sure.
Olivia: "Anne of Green Gables"
SWCC: Where do you like to ride the most?
Olivia: " In Nisene Marks on my mountain bike. "
More member profiles to appear soon.