Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Green Water Garden - saving h20 & creating jobs

Local cyclist James Borgman is a problem solver and has created an amazing water saving and job creating program here in Santa Cruz county. Please see link below with an opportunity to help James and his team get their project up and running. Don't miss the window to give back to the community and environment, we have until November 14th to donate to this certified non profit! We at SW are honored to be the first folks to donate.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hi Monday,...tell the conductor we're running late

Our Pacines -New Idria - Pacines Boogie was a go until 0500 Monday when I double checked the expected ambient air temperature from our connection south of the Frucceta Ranch and realized that not even a frozen bottle of coca cola a la Jobst would do the trick. That is when we made the quick decision to head north with a couple of head lamps, 10 bucks, hairy legs, and a hankering to explore Purisima Creek. Thank god for Caltrain and a nephew who goes to Bellarmine because we were starting to crack.