Saturday, October 29, 2016

"Guitar Boogie" Arthur Smith road kill

I saved this piece of history from inevitable destruction today by leaving it on Black Cat's porch. If he ever gets sick of the punk rock, he can play the down home boogie.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October is the new October

Super Dave and AC chasing Willie Bullion down some of our favorite fire roads during the 3rd annual Cobble Classic circa 2010. I believe Super Dave or BJM was named KOM and Tim Noakes the Sprint Champion.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Italian Mothers- always on duty

Over the years, my mom has washed more chamois and kits than most soigneurs. I believe this was after the 1993 edition of the Redlands Bicycle Classic. Thanks for all the support mom and viva Team Wheelsmith.

Nephew Wuleur - Luke Grenier

Luke has been exposed to cycling his whole life and while taking a break from high school H2O Polo this lung on a stick has been found crushing the pedals around town on his mt bike. I was a very proud uncle today while struggling to hang on his wheel on the steep stuff as we traversed the county with his dad in tow.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Bike To School Day Tierra Pacifica 2016

The safety committee (me and John Martinez) at Tierra Pacifica Charter School have been rocking bike to school day for 7 years. We posted some good numbers this year: 112 cyclists / 324 miles

Thursday, October 20, 2016

would you like paper or plasic sir?

When you spend your formative years chasing down the elusive cat 1 road license, you keep those small tokens of pain tucked away safely at Grandma's house. Olive uncovered these jems recently digging through the rubble of yesteryear.

Wente Brut bottle of bubbly from the 1991 Road Race
still looking for the right occasion to celebrate with it

    I've never even heard of most of these disciplines before...OT?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Olive...Are you working for PG&E?!

Having a teenager in the house is reeking havoc on our power bill. We have crept back up to 3.34 Electric kWh / Day. This means homework by Petzl until we're back under 20 bucks per month. Our family record of $11.34 still stands and will always be our (my) goal. How else can we (I) afford Compass Tires.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tim Neenan at work...

That must mean the ambient air temperature in the shop is bearable again! I've already reached out to Rob Parson's to join me on the first mountain boogie as long as he dusts off his white and red lugged LH with simplex retro friction and Cinelli saddle. Thank you for coming out of retirement Tim.